Tuesday, October 25, 2011

21st century education

This video shows and explains what future education is in canada and hopefully will be in other countries. It comments on how every students books could fit in a nook, or ipad. But, the problem with that is some students may not be able to afford an Ipad. The students do not have to pay for the books now they are just provided by the school. So, what would happen if in the future, the education world would go digital, and only used different types of technology?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. The Ipad is a great tool, but not everyone in today's society can be expected to have one. Therefore, it would be our job as educators to use this in a classroom setting without having students need to purchase one. It is also important to remember that students cannot have assignments dealing with these unless provided time during class. This was always something that irritated me in high school.
